This beautiful 2010 AQHA Incentive Fund & NRBC Enrolled prospect has been a long time in the making for us. Sired by
NIC IT IN THE BUD - NRCHA & NRHA All Time Leading Sire. With earnings of over $148,000+ in NRCHA, NRHA, & NCHA he has proven to be exceptionally versatile. To top it off, This colt is out of an NRHA earning mare and sure to follow in his parents footsteps. Our "Star In the Making" has been in training with Todd Bergen for 5+ months and is doing well. This colt should also have TONS of cow. Watch for him in the show pen! We have plans for the NRCHA Reno Snaffle Bit Futurity and more!
Nic N Tuk is Sold but we wanted to keep him up on website for you to enjoy.
For Breeding Pedigree see: .