Welcome to our mares page - The foundation of our breeding program is built right here.
Cols Compact Disc "Freckles" - 1992 bay mare AQHA#3148561 (deceased, reference only)
This Mare is a granddaughter of Colonel Freckles, and was one of our favorite mares of all time. This bloodline passed on their athletic ability and great minds. We bred her to improve the Quarter Horse breeds. She
did everything we have asked her to do. She always had been safe and willing, while putting other horses to shame with what she has accomplished in the process. She
was a proven mare that had given sellable good sound babies every time she
was bred. As a trail horse she was sure footed, comfortable to ride and never put the rider or herself in danger. She passes this great mind on to all her foals. All her foals have had different Sires. This plus her great conformation give all her foals the best possible performance ability. All her foals have had specific disciplines in performance, and not one of the foal owners
was ever disappointed..

Info Coming.

Miss Okie Paulette - "Niki"
1997 AQHA Mare #3550269
Niki has proven herself in the show pen and is an NRHA money earner. We look forward to watching her offspring in the show pen as well! Niki is the dam of - Nic N Tuk.
Be sure to check out this video of Nikki's half brother
Ray Gay Quixote LTE: $400,000+ NRHA Futurity Champion!